Classroom Terms of Use

Activities held in general assignment classrooms scheduled by Educational Technology Services and the registrar shall conform to standards and practices that
1) respect UCSF ownership of all physical assets in those rooms 
2) maintain good order and decorum for those using adjacent spaces as well those who follow 
3) use AV, lighting, and other room-based systems in a manner that is consistent with their intended educational purpose. 

Note: Section 42 of the University of California Policies Applying to Campus Activities, Organizations, and Students governs use of classroom space and scheduling priority. 

Interim Campus Guest Policy

Guest lecturers will need to be approved through the current visitor approval process. More information about visitor approval can be found on the Visitor page. If approved, these individuals would need to use the Vendor and Guest Screener each day they enter campus.

Daily health requirements for all essential campus guests must complete and receive clearance from the Vendor and Campus Guest Daily Screener each day before entering any UCSF campus facility.

Remote Monitoring

A limited number of rooms are equipped with electronic equipment to allow ETS to remotely monitor AV operations and record lectures so we can provide timely service without entering the classroom. While our meeting and learning spaces are considered public, we make every effort to respect the privacy of our users. If you have concerns about confidentiality, we urge you to contact our class schedulers to secure a room that best meets your needs.

Biohazardous Materials in Classrooms

Because all laboratory biological specimens should be regarded as hazardous, and because ETS scheduling services cannot manage or enforce proper protocols for safe handling of human or animal cellular materials in UCSF general use classrooms, the use of potentially biohazardous material is restricted to a laboratory environment.

To inquire about using the Anatomy Learning Center please email [email protected] or visit the Microbiology Teaching Labs in the basement of the Ambulatory Care Center. For general safety information, please contact Environmental Health and Safety

Course Start/End Times

The Academic Senate's Committee on Courses of Instruction (COCOI) enacted a new policy on course start/end times in September 2013. The policy states: “Courses in general assignment classrooms with a scheduled start time at the top of the hour begin 10 minutes after the hour and end at their scheduled end times.” Faculty and administrators felt it was time to codify what had been an informal practice for many years, especially since the absence of such a policy had led to misunderstandings, conflicts, and inconsistencies in the application of lecture capture, a widely used learning tool. The policy was vetted by the Academic Senate COCOI and reviewed/approved by the vice/associate deans of schools and the Graduate Division. We believe the new policy will 1) provide consistency in start/end times, 2) increase the effectiveness and efficiency of lecture capture, and 3) provide an established “transit time” for students and an opportunity for Facilities Services to do minor maintenance between classes. The policy affects only numbered courses in the course catalog in general assignment classrooms.


Rooms are locked unless it is reserved, via 25Live. Students must obtain the study pass in order to use have access to the room. View Student Study Spaces.

These rooms are available for academic class sessions and departmental events. It cannot be used as a staging area nor for storage purposes.

No Show Charges

What happens when ETS is not informed of event cancellations?

Every day, we observe rooms and lecture captures that are empty. In addition, ETS technicians travel to rooms where, in fact, no event is occurring. When requesters do not cancel their events or let ETS know that technicians are no longer needed, they deny other users access to classroom space, consume lecture capture storage and cataloging space, and inefficiently deploy ETS technicians.

No Show Fees

To incentivize requesters to cancel their unneeded reservations, and to enable ETS to recover the cost of services, we will begin charging the following fees when a requester does not inform ETS of an event cancellation:
Room reservation no-show (without technician): $114 (1-2 hrs.); $228 (2-4 hrs.); $456 (4-8 hrs.)

Room reservation no-show (with technician): $228** (1-2 hrs.); $342 (2-4 hrs.); $513 (4-8 hrs.)
Empty lecture capture recording: $114 (1-2 hrs.); $228 (2-4 hrs.); $456 (4-8 hrs.)
*Cancellations must be received at least 48 hrs. in advance of scheduled time to avoid no-show charge **includes one hour of technician time

Food and Beverage Policy 

Food and beverages are allowed in the general assignment rooms with number of attendees at 50% room capacity and social distancing. Requestors must request tables from Facilities for the food & beverage setup and these setups must remain outside of the room. Tables from the rooms cannot be used for these food and beverage setups. Requestors will also need to submit a request with Custodial Services to clean the room and the food setup area at the end of the event.


Furniture and equipment may NOT be removed from classrooms. As a courtesy to others who use the classroom and expect a certain number of tables and/or chairs, please be sure that all furniture remains in the room that is it supposed to be in.

Special Reservation Policies 

General-assignment classrooms exist for delivery of instruction in academic courses.

Reservations for registered campus organizations, student governments, non-university organizations and employee labor unions are subject to change or cancellation if the space is needed for an academic course.

Please note: This process will take seven business days for completion. 

Registered Clubs & Organizations

  1. RCOs and Student Governments must submit a room reservation request through Group Portal by submitting an event request.
  2. Student Life will review the event request, and, if approved, will send to Classroom Scheduling to process the request.
  3. Confirmation of the room assignment will be sent through Group Portal.
  4. Classroom usage fees will apply for Staff Sponsored events with 75% non-UCSF attendees for events. 
  5. Registered Campus Organizations (RCOs) a) No fees are assessed for RCOs unless they broadly market events to non‐UCSF audiences or charge an attendance fee for anything other than cost recovery.

Organizations that fail to notify Student Life to cancel a classroom reservation (minimum 48-hours notice) and do us the reserved space(s) will be subject to the following sanctions:

First No Show - Organiztion will receive a written warning.

Second No Show - Organization's reservation priviledge would be suspended for three months. Any previously approved reservations during the three-month period will be canceled.

Third No Show -  Organization's reservation priviledge would be suspended for the remaning academic year. Any previously approved reservations during the remaining academic period will be canceled.

Non-University Organizations

  1. Non-University organizations requesting the use of general assignment classrooms are required to obtain sponsorship from a University of California, San Francisco campus department. In addition to departmental sponsorship, non-university organizations must have a mission that is germane to the mission of the University.

  2. The chair or director of the sponsoring department must provide a letter acknowledging sponsorship of and responsibility for the event. The letter should also include the following information:
    • Group name
    • Proposed purpose of the event
    • Group contact person
    • Person in charge and on site at the event
    • Address and telephone number of the contact person
    • Requested dates and times
    • Admission fees or material fees
  3. A 25Live submission must be completed by a representative of the sponsoring department with the following information provided:
    • The group's mission statement
    • Agenda of the event and names of speakers
    • Sponsoring Department's chartstring.

Please note: The following disclaimer must used in all publicizing materials: "The use of meeting rooms at the University of California San Francisco (UCSF) by non-profit or non-university organization does not imply that UCSF endorses this organization or the materials presented."